3 ways to save money on coffee | The Espresso Time

3 ways to save money on coffee

As if the current logistic glut caused by Covid-19 was not bad enough, now we have the Russion-Ukraine war on our hand. Not many people know, but Russia is a major exported of fertiliser and its raw materials. The country's exports account for 18% of the world's potash market, 20% of ammonia sales and 15% of urea. Plus, a lot of the natural gas that is the most expensive part of making nitrogen fertilizers comes from Russia. This could lead to shortage of coffee beans around the world in a forseable future.

Australians could be forced to pay up to $7 for a regular cup of coffee as cafe overhead costs climb. The warning came from Cafe Owners and Baristas Association of Australia president David Parnham, who said the price for an average flat white around the nation could jump to $7 by the end of the year.

Below is a quick math of how much you can save now.

I want to support my local roasters and coffee shops but my coffee addiction would easily blow my budget many times over. Below are 3 ways to save your money on coffee.

1. Buy coffee beans in bulk

For the freshest and most cost effective cup of coffee, buy 500gr-1kg of coffee from your grocery store or local roaster.This will keep the average cost per cup down significantly.

2. Grind your own beans

Coffee tastes better with freshly grounded beans so instead of buying pre-grounded coffee, buy a 1 kg bag from your local roaster. The reasoning is that whole beans stay fresher, longer than ground coffee. The beans can either be stored in sealed containers or in your freezer to keep them fresh.

Grind them yourself with a simple grinder – you don’t have to get all fancy and expensive. (This was our very first grinder, but I bet you could find one similar to this Breville Smart Grinder with little extra money.) For those with insomnia or light sleeping partner, I would recommend Eureka Mignon Silenzio for extra silentness.

3. Buy a pod machine

A pack of 10 pods usually costs less than $10 comparing to a cup of latte that a servo can charge $4-$5. I would recommend grab a Lavazza Jolie machine now on special with 108 pods to start your coffee jouney.

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